Thanks for coming out with the information. Its is really neat nowadays for seo experts to have something like this for knowledge support.
An alternative would be to automate ping such as at http://www.pingblogs.us/
very good information. thanks for sharing with us.
thank you so much for a very useful tool you share.
Thanks for the post. It was incredibly helpful. I was using Ping o matic and they are doing some kind of maintenance to the site and I couldn't get on. So I had to find an alternative. And you have 5 ! Thank you so much.
Great list. I've been using these services as well. Another good ping service is Ping-Goat. You should also try it.
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Nice post. Thanks for providing this useful information.
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Thanks for the tips regarding pinging blogs. I've been trying to input SEO techniques on the site and I think using a ping service could help out my ranking.
this is very good tips for regarding ping .and SEO technology can uses are ping services .which is increase Rank factor.
Please give some more tips regarding SEO and what is Internet marketing.
i think PingOmatic better than any else.. :)
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Top 5 Ping Services for Blog
Ping services will help your blog to increase visitors, when you are updating your blog, you ping the ping services then your site will be listed in the ping services site. It expose your weblog to the many others.
Here is a list of 5 sites that offer ping service for you to use. Simply submit your your site or feed to these ping services when you update or add new content/post.
1. Ping-O-Matic!
Ping-O-Matic is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated.
2. PingMyBlog.com
PingMyBlog.com is a service which does the hard work for you. This notify all the major blog directories in one go so that everyone knows about your latest blogs.
3. MyPageRank.net
Free submit lets you submit your URL to 20 popular search engines from one MyPagerank.Net Google PageRank Checker - Check Google page rank
Webmasters, monitor your webpage pagerank
4. Pingler.com
Blog and Ping Tool - Use Pingler.com to Drive Traffic your Blogs and Websites
Use Pingler.com to Ping your Blogs and Websites in the best way possible!
5. Feed Ping
Free Website and Blog Multiple Submission Service - FEED PING Website and Blog Multiple Feed Service